Introducing the characters of Yrsa Major's epilogue!

If you've reached the epilogue of Yrsa Major, you'll have noticed a bunch of self-indulgent references to cities and characters you didn't get to see, as well as Yrsa "passing the torch" to another character much smaller in stature, if not in heart. You'll get to know them much better in Heart Sigil Elchemia, but here's a very brief introduction!

Lin Tellerian

The recipient of Olayn's letter. Though he was only 2 years old at the conclusion of Yrsa Major, 25 years later he is an accomplished alchemist researching at the capital, Lavin.

Lin is an unfailingly kind and well-meaning man, but what is it he wishes for besides the fame of achievement?

Risulayn (Risu) Bertrand

Seven years ago, she left her home city of Lavin to travel the world. Only strange and disquieting news brings her back -  ishim are going berserk across Lavin, hurting those they care for. 

Can she uncover the truth and fight for the future of humans and ishim alike?

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